丁雨欣,徐英英.基于“伏气学说”探讨新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病的病机及防治[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(1):77-81, 93.
Discussion on Pathogenesis and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Novel Coronavirus Infection Based on the Theory of Incubative Pathogen
中文关键词: 伏气学说  膜原  三焦  糖尿病  新型冠状病毒感染  新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病
英文关键词: theory of incubative pathogen  membrane source  tri-Jiao  diabetes mellitus  novel coronavirus infection  diabetes mellitus associated with novel coronavirus infection
丁雨欣 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
徐英英 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 
摘要点击次数: 253
全文下载次数: 135
      [目的] 基于“伏气学说”对新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病进行中医理论探讨,为其防治拓宽思路。[方法] 以“伏气学说”理论为基石,结合古今文献,从病因病机、发病机制及治疗方法等方面,对新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病进行分析论述。[结果] “伏气学说”是阐述机体感邪内伏,过时而发的学说,包含治未病和整体观的中医理念。新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病是由疫疠邪气、药石之毒伏匿体内,郁久而发的杂病,其潜伏性、易复发性与伏气致病特点具有共通性。其主要病机为湿毒之邪从口鼻入,内陷膜原,流连三焦,散漫不收,郁久化热,耗伤气阴;发病机制主要与胰岛β细胞损伤、炎症因子释放、类固醇药物诱导等有关,皆与“伏气学说”有内在联系。治疗上感染期以扶正祛邪为要,透达膜原,清化三焦,阻止伏邪内生;恢复期则应清热益气养阴与化痰祛瘀并重,及早祛除伏邪,防止病情进展。[结论] 伏气与新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病发病关系密切,基于“伏气学说”探讨新型冠状病毒感染相关糖尿病,为其临床防治开辟了新的思路。
      [Objective] To investigate the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) theory of diabetes mellitus associated with novel coronavirus infection based on the “theory of incubative pathogen” and to broaden the idea of prevention and treatment. [Methods] Using “theory of incubative pathogen” as the cornerstone and combining ancient and modern literature, the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment methods of diabetes mellitus associated with novel coronavirus infection are analyzed. [Results] The theory of incubative pathogen is a theory that describes that the body feels the evil within the body, and the disease develops when it is overdue, which includes the Chinese medical concept of treating the disease before it occurs in a holistic view. Diabetes mellitus associated with novel coronavirus infection is a miscellaneous disease caused by epidemic and plague evils, medicial poisons lie dormant in the body and develop over a long period of time, and its latent and recurring characteristics are common to those of incubative pathogens. The main mechanism is that dampness and poisonous evils enter the body through the mouth and nose, sink into the membranes, flow through the tri-Jiao, diffuse and do not collect, and become feverish over a long period of time and consume Qi and Yin. The pathogenesis is mainly related to pancreatic β cell injury, inflammatory factor release and steroid induction, all of which are intrinsically related to the doctrine of “theory of incubative pathogen”. In the treatment of the infectious period, it is important to support the righteousness and drive away the evil, penetrate the membrane, clear the tri-Jiao, and stop the internal growth of volatile evil. As well as in the recovery period, the combination of clearing heat, benefiting Qi and nourishing Yin, and resolving phlegm and eliminating stasis was used to remove the evil at an early stage and prevent the progression of the disease. [Conclusion] Incubative pathogen is closely related to the development of diabetes mellitus associated with novel coronavirus infection. The discussion of diabetes mellitus associated with novel coronavirus infection based on the theory of incubative pathogen opens up a new way of thinking for its clinical prevention and treatment.
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