Clinical Experience of Dispelling Wind, Clearing Heat and Resolving Dampness in the Treatment of Post-COVID-19 Cough
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒感染  咳嗽  祛风  清热化湿  因人制宜  名医经验  王真
英文关键词: Corona Virus Disease 2019  cough  dispelling wind  clearing heat and resolving dampness  take into account the individual variability  famous doctor’s experience  WANG Zhen
裘佳波 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
潘睿 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
王真 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 299
全文下载次数: 170
      [目的] 总结王真教授治疗新型冠状病毒感染后咳嗽(以下简称新冠后咳嗽)的中医经验。[方法] 通过记录并整理医案,参考国内外文献,从病因病机、处方经验、验案举隅三方面阐述王真教授的治疗经验。[结果] 王真教授认为,新冠后咳嗽的病因是疠气,病机是风邪留恋、湿热内蕴,处方经验为祛风解表、通窍利咽,三焦湿热、分消走泄,因人制宜、标本兼顾。所举两则医案中,患者以新冠感染后反复咳嗽为主诉,王真教授以祛风清热化湿为主,养阴生津、健脾、益肾、化瘀为辅,处方周全,疗效确切。[结论] 王真教授准确把握新冠后咳嗽的病因病机,治法明晰,用药严谨,疗效明显,其治疗经验具有临床价值。
      [Objective] To summarize the clinical experience of Professor WANG Zhen in the treatment of post-Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) cough. [Methods] Through the way of recording and sorting out medical cases, referring to domestic and foreign literature, this paper expounded the clinical experience of Professor WANG Zhen from three aspects: pathogenesis, prescription and medical cases. [Results] Professor WANG Zhen believes that the cause of post-COVID-19 cough is epidemic Qi, and the cause of the disease is wind and dampness-heat. The prescription experience is to dispel wind and relieve external symptoms, open the orifices and soothe the throat, clear heat and resolve dampness in tri-Jiao, and take into account both individual variability and symptoms and causes. Two medical cases are reported, the patient complained of post-COVID-19 cough, and Professor WANG Zhen mainly dispelled wind, cleared heat and resolved dampness, supplemented by nourishing Yin, invigorating the spleen, tonifying the kidney and dispersing?blood?stasis, with a comprehensive prescription and accurate curative effect. [Conclusion] Professor WANG Zhen accurately grasps the pathogenesis of post-COVID-19 cough, the treatment method is clear, the use of traditional Chinese medicine is rational, the therapeutic effect is obvious, and his clinical experience is valuable.
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