Exploration on Collating Features of Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi by Tanba Motokata
中文关键词: 丹波元坚  金匮要略  金匮玉函要略述义  校勘  校注  校文
英文关键词: Tanba Motokata  Jingui Yaolue  Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi  collation  collation and annotation  collated text
崔瑞静 山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院 济南 250355 
李玉清 山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院 济南 250355 
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      [目的] 探析丹波元坚《金匮玉函要略述义》一书的校勘特色,以期为后世研究《金匮要略》提供参考。[方法] 运用文献学方法分类整理《金匮玉函要略述义》书中校文,并结合中医理论进行归纳总结。[结果] 丹波元坚是日本江户时期汉方医学考证派的泰斗。《金匮玉函要略述义》是其父《金匮玉函要略辑义》(以下简称《辑义》)的补注本,汇集三十年学术积累。《金匮玉函要略述义》书中广备精良校本,校勘态度严谨,运用“不径改原文”的校勘方式,结合医理,四校合参,对所校内容审慎从事,不随意否定,精详校勘经文,补订《辑义》未尽之处。[结论] 《金匮玉函要略述义》是《金匮要略》的优秀注本,探析其校勘特色对当今中医古籍整理与《金匮要略》研究具有重要的借鉴作用。
      [Objective] To analyze the collating characteristics of Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi, hoping to provide a reference for the study of Jingui Yaolue. [Methods] By using the method of bibliography, the collated text in Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi is classified and sorted out,and summarized by combining with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. [Results] Tanba Motokata was an authority of Japanese textual criticism, Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi was a supplement for his father’s Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Jiyi(hereinafter referred to as Jiyi) in collation and annotation, which collected thirty years of academic accumulation. In the book, Tanba Motokata prepared all of the versions at the time of wide collation, and the collation attitude was rigorous. He used the collation method of no change of the original text, combined the medical theory and used the four methods of emendation, carefully collated the text of Jingui Yaolue, didn’t negate at will, made up the unfinished part of Jiyi. [Conclusion] Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi is an excellent annotation of Jingui Yaolue, which is an important reference for the collation of ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine.
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