Yang Wei’s experience in treating constipation by applyingthe method of nourishing spleen and kidney and relaxing bowel
中文关键词: 便秘  临床经验  实秘方  虚秘方  杨巍  培源滑润  医案  
英文关键词: constipation  clinical experience  Shimi Recipe  Xumi Recipe  YANG Wei  nourishing the spleen and kidney and relaxing the bowel  medical cases
羊琪琪 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院 200021
裴艳妮 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院 
彭云花 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院 
杨巍* 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院 200021
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      摘要:[目的]探究杨巍教授治疗便秘的学术特色,总结其临床经验。[方法]以便秘的病因病机为基础,从虚、实两方面分析杨师治疗便秘的共性与特性,并附医案二则加以佐证。[结果]杨师根据多年临床经验将便秘总结为实证便秘与虚证便秘,提出培源润肠的治疗大法,认为实证便秘应降胃气、疏肝气,虚证便秘需升脾气、宣肺气,并分别运用实秘方与虚秘方治疗。所举的两则医案为气阴两虚型便秘、湿热阻滞型便秘,治以润肠通便分别佐以益气养阴、清热祛湿,方用虚秘方、实秘方化裁,取得了较好的疗效。 [结论]杨巍教授运用培源滑润治疗便秘,虚实异治,疗效显著。
      Abstract:[Objective] To explore the academic characteristics and clinical experience of Professor YANG Wei in treating constipation. [Methods] Based on the etiology and pathogenesis of constipation, the commonness and characteristics of Professor YANG Wei's treatment of constipation were analyzed from the aspects of excess and deficiency. Two cases were presented for evidence. [Results] Constipation is summarized as excess syndrome and deficiency syndrome by Processor YANG according to clinical experience for many years. Processor YANG also puts forward the treatment of constipation by applying the method of nourishing the spleen and kidney and relaxing the bowel, considering constipation with excess syndrome should descend stomach Qi and soothe liver Qi, while constipation with deficiency syndrome should ascend spleen Qi and diffuse lung Qi. In clinical, Shimi Recipe and Xumi Recipe are applied respectively. The two medical cases cited are constipation of deficiency of both qi and yin type and obstruction due to damp and heat type,treated by relaxing the bowels accompanied by supplementing qi and nourishing yin or releasing heat and eliminating dampness with Shimi Recipe or Xumi Recipe,which achieve good results. [Conclusion] Professor YANG Wei uses the method of nourishing the spleen and kidney, relaxing the bowel in the treatment of constipation with deficiency and excess syndromes which has remarkable curative effect.
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